Cirrus Training

Learn to fly in a Cirrus, one of the world’s safest, most comfortable, and technologically advanced aircraft. Getting your Private Pilot’s license in a Cirrus opens a new world of adventure, enjoyment, and expanded capability.

Experience an Introductory Flight

Take your Introductory Flight to the next level. Cirrus Aircraft is the world’s best-selling single-engine four-seat aircraft.

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Train to Become a Private Pilot

Learn to fly in a Cirrus, one of the world's safest, most comfortable, and technologically advanced aircraft.

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Transition to a Cirrus Plane

These courses are designed for licensed pilots to transition into flying a Cirrus for the first time.

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Learn to Fly in Your Own Cirrus

At Stratos Aviation, we specialize in Cirrus training, led by highly experienced CFIs committed to helping you achieve your aviation goals.

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Cirrus Recurrent Training

The Recurrent Training is designed to provide Cirrus pilots with the necessary flight training to increase proficiency and comfort level and refresh airmanship and judgment skills.

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Learn to Fly a Cirrus.
Purchase your Introductory flight today.

Experience an Introductory Flight

Cirrus Aircraft is known for its Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS). The Cirrus SR20 and SR22 take safety and luxury to new heights.

The SR20 introductory flight will introduce you to the genius of Cirrus Aircraft. You will have the opportunity to fly on a technologically advanced Cirrus SR20. A Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot will demonstrate to you various maneuvers and introduce you to various safety features aboard the aircraft. Please allow approximately two hours total time for the Cirrus Introductory Flight- approximately 45 minutes on ground and approximately 45 minutes on board.

Train to Become a Private Pilot

Stratos Aviation and its Cirrus-Trained Instructors will help you experience the joy of flying from the initial introductory flight through the entire training using industry-leading structured training programs. Our goal is to build proficient, safe pilots. Our team is here to support you throughout your journey and afterward too.

CIRRUS Private Pilot

The Cirrus private pilot flight training program will give you the basic aeronautical skills and experience in order to become a proficient, confident, and safe pilot while meeting the FAA requirements for a Private Pilot Certificate. Getting your private pilot's license in a Cirrus aircraft opens a new world of adventure, enjoyment, and expanded capability.

CIRRUS Instrument Training

Adding the Instrument Rating to your pilot's license is a necessary addition if you want to become a safer, more experienced pilot. Completing your Instrument Rating with a Cirrus Aircraft will round out your piloting skillset while meeting the FAA requirements needed to fly in all weather conditions.

Get Started on Your Flight Training Journey.
Purchase Your Cirrus Introductory Flight!

Transition to a Cirrus plane

VFR Transition

The VFR Cirrus Transition is designed to provide licensed pilots with the knowledge needed to operate a Cirrus aircraft properly and safely, focusing on aircraft control, emergency procedures, avionics, and engine management using Cirrus approved curriculum.

IFR / Advanced Cirrus Transistion

The IFR transition course offers comprehensive instrument flight training to develop proficiency in IFR conditions The course is designed to provide licensed pilots with the knowledge needed to operate a Cirrus aircraft property and safely, focusing on aircraft control, emergency procedures, avionics, and engine management.

Learn to Fly in Your Own Cirrus

At Stratos Aviation, we specialize in Cirrus training, led by highly experienced CFIs committed to helping you achieve your aviation goals. If owning your own aircraft is part of your vision, the best way to start is by training in it from day one. This ensures a seamless learning experience, eliminates scheduling conflicts, reduces rental costs, and allows you to build confidence in the aircraft you’ll be flying long-term. Let me know if that's possible.

Cirrus Recurrent Training

Recurrent training provides a good opportunity to regain instrument, landing, and flight review currencies.

VFR Recurrent Check

This flight-based syllabus is designed to accomplish a flight review for non-instrument-rated pilots. The course reviews maneuvers and procedures that are necessary for a pilot to demonstrate proficiency in the aircraft. The three lessons outlined in this course may not ensure a flight review endorsement. The flight instructor will determine if additional instruction is required from what is prescribed in this course.

Skill Refresher

This flight-based syllabus addresses piloting skills that often degrade shortly after transitioning into a new aircraft. The flight lesson is designed to fine-tune aircraft control and standard flight procedures. It’s recommended to take this course three months following the completion of Cirrus Transition or Differences training.

IFR Recurrent Check

This flight-based syllabus reviews important knowledge and flight skills necessary for operating safely in IMC. The course reviews flight planning and instrument flight procedures necessary to demonstrate proficiency in the aircraft while in IMC.